How can we see uncertainty positively

Rritu Mohan
3 min readJul 2, 2020

Uncertainty brings so many fears back in our lives. The idea of the unknown scares us. Especially in the time like now where we have no idea what is next, it brings back a lot of anxieties for most of us. We have always lived in times where our mind has the liberty to plan for the future, that gives us an illusion of security and comfort. Planning is a part of our day to day life. We have been raised like this and been practicing this for a long time. And, all of a sudden this comfort has been taken away from us, our mind is out of comfort zone, it doesn’t know what’s next, it does not know how to feel secure again. The idea of the unknown, the struggle of day to day life is bringing and creating a lot of anxiety.

This space of the unknown triggers a lot of fears, it’s the tendency of our mind to by default think of a worst-case scenario. We are thinking about job security, we are thinking about finances, we are exhausted by doing household chores, those who have kids they are struggling to balance work and personal life, we are worried about older people in our house and the list goes on. All these feelings are normal. Everybody is feeling them.

Let us think why we are alarmed of uncertainty, it is a space where anything can happen, a gap between the present and the future — the unknown. Isn’t our whole future unknown to us? Or we are just afraid of losing control. We have the illusion of control, but in reality, we have no control. This illusion of control is taken away from us right now, which is bringing chaos in our life. We have been dependent on this control for a long time, it gave us a sense of security, it gave us contentment of designing the future. Ask yourself, is this control so important?

How about rewiring our mind and instead of judging this space of the unknown, just surrender to the present. Let us think of this space where anything can happen, where you can create anything.

Uncertainty is not defined, it has a chance to bring you long-awaited opportunities. It has a chance to bring you the future beyond your imagination. All this can happen if you shift your energy and change your perspective.

You can shift your energy by finding happiness in what you have right now. By showing gratitude for the things you are blessed with. By Visualizing positive life, in your meditation. Think of this uncertain time bringing you a lot of happy moments and a lot of joy. Practice living in the present. Positive thinking has the power to change the entire event.

We always think happiness is waiting for us in the future. But, we can be happy today; our whole life is based on our perspective and willingness to see happiness. And this willingness is so powerful that it can convert your discontented present into joyous tomorrow.

Take aways :

  1. Change your perspective about uncertainty
  2. Finding happiness in what you have
  3. Gratitude
  4. Visualization of a happy life
  5. Meditation
  6. Stop overthinking



Rritu Mohan

At times I like to pour my thoughts in a blank space.