Do you believe in Miracles?

Rritu Mohan
2 min readJan 4, 2020

Do you?

I know it is a quite confusing question, however, if your answer is a firm yes, then it’s amazing!

My answer to this question was always yes, however until a few months back I didn’t know how to believe in them. And, it is my recent discovery that Miracle happens in everyone’s life, it is natural. Yes, you heard it right Miracles are organic!

“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein

Do you remember when you were a kid and you were dying to have the latest toy or video game or maybe candy or a dress? And your dad returned from work and he had this surprise and you were so happy as if your dad read your mind. As innocent as you were, you attracted what you wanted by giving this positive message to the universe.

We all know what we think we attract, and when we are in the mindset of attracting what we want, life becomes wonderful. Miracles don’t have to be a major event in your life, it could be the smallest of things you wanted and it happened. When you start noticing these smaller things in life it gives you faith to believe in the fact that anything can happen in your life. I mean whatever you want, whatever you wish for, yes whatever you wish for. It is that simple.

If I take my example, one n half year back I had a minor knee injury and I couldn’t work out for a long time. And, when I resumed working out, I couldn’t do pull-ups even after being regular to gym for 2–3 months. I could do two sets, first set 5 counts and second set 3 counts. I know this sounds trivial but then again, I could do more counts before and somehow, I was feeling disappointed. Then one day before going to the gym I meditated for 20 mins and I could feel a sudden shift in my energy. And that day I did three sets, 20 counts. I consider this, my miracle and it happened to me when I connected to my right mind and attracted positivity. This helped me build on my faith in Miracle and now it is my daily practice to stay connected to the positive energy.

Miracles happen quite often and when you look closely you will realize how god has united everything at the right place for you. When you start noticing the good things in your life more amazing things will happen with you and you will become more inclined towards your faith.

My intention through this blog is you to realize that life is not that tough as we think it is and we can shift to being happier at any moment we want.

I hope you discover the power in you, to change your tomorrow.



Rritu Mohan

At times I like to pour my thoughts in a blank space.